Saturday, March 22, 2014
Archangel Michael: according tot he Talmud, the name Michael means 'like unto God'; the title
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Archangel Michael |
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Palm Sunday reflections
On Palm Sunday I attended a concert at the fabulous St. Josaphat Basilica in Milwaukee. While reading through the program I came across this little essay by a gentleman named Harvey Taylor. It was too lovely not to share. Here it is: I spoke with my friend,Maria, long ago, a conversation during a potluck, about her work as a midwife. She told me that a Cherokee medicine person she's apprenticed with taught her that in times of planetary peril, with chronic warfare and the destruction of Nature, highly-evolved beings stream into the world, like firefighters to an inferno, cosmic first-responders. I keep encountering people who remind me of what Maria said, vigorous elders, wise adults, radiant children ... and when I meet babies, I tell them, telepathically, Welcome, Friend...make yourself at home - we need all the help we can get.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My Love Affair with the Buddha
Iconography is an artisitic endeavor, but even more it is a spiritual exercise.
Each icon is a spiritual text illustrating spiritual principles and
teachings, as sacred as the most revered holy works of the world's
great religious. While writing this icon I was privileged to be immersed in the
radiant presence of The Buddha. One of the great perks of iconography!
Whenever I felt a shiver of insecurity or a wave of self-doubt regarding my ability to carry out this undertaking I felt a profound sense of calm washing over me, slaying the inner dragons that were roaring at the door. Into the ground pigments and semi-precious stones I added fragrant incense from Tibetan lamas, kindly
donated by my Buddha-buddy Rich and mixed water blessed by the water crystals of Masaru Emoto into the pigment mixtures. Overtone chanting nourished the process and helped to hold the spiritual energy as the image took shape.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Studio Gallery - Current Selections

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Transparency and the Transparent
I don't know about you, but transparency has become the new buzz word in my world. I hear it in the media, it comes up in consultations in our clinic and my clients tend to weave it into the threads of their stories in therapy sessions. I like word etymologies, finding that going back to the root of words can often bring fresh insight into the true meaning of a word. The definition of the word transparent is: capable of transmitting light so that objects or images can be seen as if there were no intervening material. The Latin root translates: to be seen through. Anyway you look at it, the word transparency speaks of no hidden agendas, guilelessness, clarity and singularity of intention. In reflecting on transparency I rediscovered this piece by Mother Theresa, which addresses transparency and a whole lot more: People are unreasonable, illogical & self-centered * Love them anyway * If you do good people may accuse you of selfish motives * Do good anyway * If you are successful you may win false friends and true enemies * Succeed anyway* The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow* Do good anyway* Honesty & transparency make you vulnerable* Be honest & transparent anyway* What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight* Build anyway* People who really want help may attack you if you help them* Help them anyway* Give the world the best you have & you may get hurt* Give the world your best anyway* Mother Theresa from Meditations from a Simple Path
Art & Soul Stimulus Proposal
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Shanti & The Patron Saint of Music
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Three Gatekeepers
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Art of the Byzantine Icon
These images are faithful reproductions of icons that have been painted in the ancient 15th century Byzantine tradition. It is a tradition that has been guarded and handed down from master to student for centuries.
Traditionally, the painting process is considered to be a spiritual
exercise and the images are believed to be windows to the divine
beings they represent. While painting, the icon writer uses chant,
incense and prayer to sanctify the undertaking and to infuse the image
with a sacramental tincture.
The icons are painted on specially prepared poplar boards. Egg tempera pigments are created from semi-precious stones and minerals that have been crushed to a fine powder. the image is created with successive layers of paint; with each new layer there is an ever-increasing integration of the colors and a deepening of the spiritual presence. Once complete, the image is chrismated with warm linseed oil and then blessed into service.
The writing of these icons has truly been a labor of love and is the expression of a spiritual vocation. It is my hope that these sacred images will awaken the viewer to Divine Presence
and bring archetypal energy and healing into the lives of those who embrace them.