Welcome to my blogspot. It is a collection of my thoughts and inspirations and a gallery of my iconic art. The images were painted using a 15th century Byzantine technique. The Orthodox people who have guarded this art form believe that these symbolic images carry great power, serving to make the invisible world of spirit visible. Traditionally, icons are seen as windows to the Divine, allowing not only for a view but for a direct experience of living transcendent reality.For me, these images serve as a bridge between the conscious and the unconscious; between this world and the world of the sacred. They speak to my inner, deepest longings, pulling me into a interior dialogue with archetypal presences and shining luminous beings. I offer these images as a sacred place to enter and dwell for a time.May they be a source of inspiration and comfort to you on your journey.
The great psychologist Carl G. Jung wrote of symbols as
'images of contents which transcend consciousness'. Jung
saw symbols not only as pointing to another reality but as
actually participating in the reality to which they point. The
ancient iconographers and I would agree. The painting of
these images has been truly a labor born of love and for me, the expression of a spiritual vocation.I look forward to sharing my experience with this ancient painting technique, as well as my interior experiences and reflections of these wonderful beings.
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