Sunday, March 28, 2010

Palm Sunday reflections

On Palm Sunday I attended a concert at the fabulous St. Josaphat Basilica in Milwaukee. While reading through the program I came across this little essay by a gentleman named Harvey Taylor. It was too lovely not to share. Here it is: I spoke with my friend,Maria, long ago, a conversation during a potluck, about her work as a midwife. She told me that a Cherokee medicine person she's apprenticed with taught her that in times of planetary peril, with chronic warfare and the destruction of Nature, highly-evolved beings stream into the world, like firefighters to an inferno, cosmic first-responders. I keep encountering people who remind me of what Maria said, vigorous elders, wise adults, radiant children ... and when I meet babies, I tell them, telepathically, Welcome, Friend...make yourself at home - we need all the help we can get.


John said...

Lovely - thank you!

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