Archangel Michael: according tot he Talmud, the name Michael means 'like unto God'; the title
Archangel means 'highest messenger'. Traditionally, Michael is known as the most powerful of
all the Archangels, as defender of humanity against satanic forces, the great warrior of God.
Legend speaks of Michael as the teacher of Moses and the protector of the Israelites in the
Bible. In the Christian tradition he is known as the patron saint of police officers and soldiers.
According to esoteric sources he dwells on the sun and is represented by the element of fire. In
mystic traditions he is the acknowledged guardian of humanity and serves to clear interior space
to allow us to become more whole.
Call on Archangel Michael when you are in need of of intense intervention and help with detaching
from people or things that are harmful to you. Visualize his flaming sword cutting you free of fears,
doubts and ties that mind and restrict your true spirit.
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