Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Love Affair with the Buddha

Iconography is an artisitic endeavor, but even more it is a spiritual exercise. Each icon is a spiritual text illustrating spiritual principles and teachings, as sacred as the most revered holy works of the world's great religious. While writing this icon I was privileged to be immersed in the radiant presence of The Buddha. One of the great perks of iconography! Whenever I felt a shiver of insecurity or a wave of self-doubt regarding my ability to carry out this undertaking I felt a profound sense of calm washing over me, slaying the inner dragons that were roaring at the door. Into the ground pigments and semi-precious stones I added fragrant incense from Tibetan lamas, kindly donated by my Buddha-buddy Rich and mixed water blessed by the water crystals of Masaru Emoto into the pigment mixtures. Overtone chanting nourished the process and helped to hold the spiritual energy as the image took shape.


Anonymous said...

this is so beautiful